Wednesday, October 6, 2021


(Look! The Poet himself Dan Stocker of 'Showtime Life' returns. He's been "wrestling" with some new great work that you can check out on, but the pro had to make it back on court for Pau. Congratulations number 16 and welcome back Stock).

Look! I know it's been awhile since I spoke about my beloved Lakers. As like most things, life happens, but I never stopped writing. In fact I use that Mamba Mentality to this day and I always will. Sorry...OK so let me to get back to what this is all about. 

I remember the first championship I saw my Lakers win. I had been a Laker since 2003 and then 6 years later we did it! We won and Kobe got his fourth ring and then a year after that he got his fifth ring. But during this time he couldn't do it on his own. He had the help of the whole team yes, but his partner in crime was the big Spanish man number 16. 

Has the ball dropped yet on what this is about? 


Pau Gasol. 

It has just been announced that the Los Angeles Lakers will retire the number 16 and honestly this is a debate me and my brother (Tim) discussed and we both came to the same conclusion. Yes it should be. Why you ask? Well other than the late and trust me when I say great (if not greatest of all time) Kobe said he couldn't have got the TWO-PEAT without Gasol what reason do you need? 

However, the season before the win against the Magic, Gasol was criticised for not being a force in the paint. Why do I know this? Because at the time I was the one saying it! But he didn't let that stop him and by the second championship win he was a completely different player.

It's funny actually how the Lakers bring back these guys destined for redemption (see this offseason). Although they should have done so with Marc's brother for a Hollywood reunion. But they've got his number now. So lets keep this short and sweet. I just want to say, Pau Gasol you will forever be a legend for our franchise...king of the two-peat. Gracias mi hermano. DAN STOCKER. 

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